1) Styling hair is absolutely useless. I might as well throw the gel out. First of all it pegs me as a foreigner. Second, how am I supposed to take hats on and off all day with out messing it up....impossible.
2) Put drinks and other items that need refrigeration between the first and second layers of windows. This does the job quicker and more eco friendly.
3) Make sure not to leave said drinks in the window too long. The become super cooled and turn to ice instantly when you start drinking it.
4) There is no reason to put on 4 layers of clothing when going from the dorm entrance to the main building. Its best just to run.
5) Dogs live everywhere, they are homeless but loved by all Russians. They actually do no harm and look sweet. They have full access to the Metro and it is not uncommon to have the dogs riding from station to station. It's even been said that they know how to get on at one station travel around all day and return to the same place later on.
6) If Moscow truly has the title of the "Most expensive city in the World" then why do I spend an average of 50 rubles or 1.60 USD on all my meals(including meat, potatoes, pastry and a drink).
7) I have an American accent.
8) People warned me that cars don't stop for you if you're crossing the street. This is officially a fact. As I crossed a street the little green walk guy turned red. So cars went...but, I was still in the road.
8.5) Snow plows don't stop either. Even on sidewalks.
9) Slipping on ice and snow is more common than you'd hope.
10) Students are students and make due with what they have, and if that includes playing soccer at 9pm outside in 10 degrees on the ice, making goal posts out of snow, slipping and sliding for the ball...so be it.
11) MSU might as well be a school/ shopping mall with all the little stores including clothing shops, candy shops and flower stores that are throughout the building.
12) New snow is actually a good thing. It allows you to get better grip than when it is ice.
Well those are some of the major ones so far. I learn new lessons everyday.
Finally here are a few more pictures from the past couple days. Notice the significant increase in snowfall since Monday!
These people wearing those big green jackets are everywhere constantly shoveling snow at the university. Can you imagine being a professional snow shoveler?
Me in front of one of many Pushkin statues.
The Russian Foreign Ministry. Notice how it looks similar to Moscow state and the nice adornment of Communist propaganda.
A view of the front of Moscow State, some argue this is the back. It's identical so nobody really knows (but I do think its the front).
Until next time,
Джастин - (Justin in Cyrillic)
glad you made it alive. Just wanted to let you know that you shouldn't be in Russia, because I had to pull an all-night study session last night without you and it was the most depressing thing ever. Then again, I'll get over it, because you're in Russia learning about snow and that's way better than being in CS learning about days and days of rain.